Planning Commission Meeting Agenda

City of Bennington

Planning Commission Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, February 24, 2021; 6:00 P.M.

City Office, 15505 Warehouse St.

Bennington, NE


  1. Call to Order – Open Meeting Act – Roll Call
  1. Approval of December 16, 2020 Meeting Minutes
  1. Consideration of Change of Zoning from a High Density Residential District (R-4) to a Downtown Commercial District (C-3) located 15506 N. 156th St.
  1. Presentation
  2. Public Hearing
  3. Motion
  1. Consideration of a Final Plat for 12 acres on Lot 195 in the Heritage Subdivision in a R-3 Medium Density Residential District developing 37 Lots and 3 Outlots located north and west of Rainwood Road and N. 149th St.
  1. Presentation
  2. Public Hearing
  3. Motion
  1. Discussion of the Comprehensive and Future Land Use Plans regarding the North Side of Highway 36
  1. Discussion of the TA Transitional Agriculture Zoning District and Commercial Uses
  1. Adjournment
    A. Motion